What Foot Fetish Is and How It Works

Modern women are well acquainted with the classic means of seducing a man. They just wear a short skirt, tight-fitting trousers, a deep neckline, or an open belly. But until recently, few people guessed that you can attract and excite others with just your feet and legs.

For some people, the sight of women’s legs in open shoes or without them at all is a real delight. Girls can notice a huge number of comments and likes on the photos of their pedicure posted on social networks. In this short article, we will talk about foot fetish. And Jerk off to my feet videos are one of the most popular nowadays.

General Characteristic of Foot Fetish

According to many estimates, erotic and sexual attraction to the legs and feet in particular is one of the most common fetishes on the planet, in which female and male genitals are not involved. In most cases, delight, excitement, and pleasure in people with such tastes are caused by the appearance of the legs, sensations from touching them, taste and smell of the skin, and performing some movements with fingers. 

In addition to being fascinated by these natural images, taste, and smell, foot fetishists have an increased interest in items of clothing that are somehow related to the legs. For example, these are leggings, tights, socks, and various shoes like open sandals, beach shoes, etc. Particular attention is also paid to the elements of nail decoration like pedicure, rhinestones, rings, etc.

As sociological polls and observations of people show, foot fetish is more common among the male population. Accordingly, the object of their adoration is female legs. This almost classic sexual hobby is already several centuries old, and it is said that it was relevant in all years.


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