To be precise, there exist a lot of things they don’t teach you in school. One among them is how to use an escort service. Luckily, with the advent of the internet, booking and enjoying escorts has become immensely more straightforward.
But there are very few online resources that would teach you the etiquette of behaving with an escort. For many people out there, hiring a sex professional is the same as hiring any other service. They assume that as they are paying the charges, there is hardly any form of etiquette to learn.
Yes, watching Shemale porn can at times excite both of you, but do you know extreme porn can irritate her? So here is the list of etiquette you should follow while being with an escort.
Never Force Her
London Trans Girls offer you a massive selection of shemales and other escorts to choose from. So while being with an escort of your choice, never force her to do stuff. Yes, you can instead communicate to her about your preferences. Paying money and hiring her doesn’t mean that she is your slave.
Refrain from Making Negative Comments
You can watch porn like Shemale porn together to get excited. But passing negative comments in the heat of the moment is a strict no-no. Also, don’t be shy about letting the service know what you are looking for. At the time of booking, if you cannot communicate your choices, it would be more challenging for you to enjoy.
Be Accurate with Directions
In case you want the escort service to send someone to your place, be accurate with the directions. Hours of frantic searching for the right home can be a big turn-off for her. You can also tell the agency that the escort can call you for directions.
At London Trans Girls, you would find a wide variety of shemales for naughty kinds of stuff and erotic massages. So book someone right away and try to follow the etiquettes as mentioned above correctly.